Lately I've been fascinated by observing (sometimes staring) at every single woman I come across and look beyond the make up, concealer, fringes and layered hair and see how "age" is showing on them, or in some cases not. I started to notice how almost every woman from a certain social background have not a single line or in ounce of sagging skin regardless of the age of her children or the number of grandchildren she has. But after I notice the presence or absence of lines I almost always noticed one thing. U can't fake youth. You can hide lines, cover age spots, have plump lips & tight skin but you can almost never fake youth. So whats the point? Why do we put ourselves in alllll the pain of sticking needles in our faces and lips when at the end we can only cure the symptoms but still remain"sick"
The problem is that you're faced with this "option" at a much more younger age than you used to in the past!! As young as in you're mid to late twenties which is not right on ANY level.
I came across a statement by the ever beautiful and radiant Jennifer Aniston who has sworn off Botox after a bad experience with the wrinkle-erasing drug.
"I tried Botox once and it was really not good for me," she tells Elle magazine. "I felt like I had a weight on my head."
She added: "I think it makes women look older. Harder. The warmth in their face goes away.
"You see women and you know they’re not young, but you can’t tell how old they are. That’s what stopped me.
I'm a believer in never saying never but until now I'll keep on betting on the excellent genes I was given by my mother and father and attempt to (cliche coming up) age gracefully.. Coz.. what's the point anyways?!